Charles Jones - copyright material

Monday, October 26, 2015

Sleeping With The Enemy

     Many of you will remember the movie several years ago entitled, "Sleeping With The Enemy".  As I recall a woman was in an abusive situation that was so bad that she actually faked her death in order to get out of the situation.  Until that occurred she was sleeping with the enemy.
     There is scarcely a day passing that I do not hear a remark about the assault or the war on Christianity.  Some of the younger generations may not see it as vividly as older folks.  But the attacks are there just the same.  Look at all of the government buildings that are over a 100 years old and you will see numerous biblical quotes and Christian expressions written in stone.  Today there are attempts to remove any vestige of Christian influence.
     Let me quickly state that in my mind the problem is not with the enemy, the problem is that we have gone asleep as churches and as Christians.  We have literally been sleeping with the enemy.
Matthew tells the story of the men who were overseeing a wheat field for a landowner and states, While they slept the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat.  Several years ago in the comic strip, Pogo, the little possum said, "We have found the enemy and it is us.
     And while Christians slept, prayer has been removed from our public schools, the life of the unborn has been taken. Go figure a nation that will cry, "Save the owl, kill the baby."  We have been lulled to sleep by mother fashion and father political correctness.
     Never forget, "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."
     On the night that Jesus was seized and taken for trial, Jesus took the disciples to the Garden and then took Peter, James and John a little farther.  He said watch you hear while I go and pray.  When he returned they were asleep.  He asked them "Could you not watch with me one hour."  He went back to pray and upon returning he found them asleep again.  This time he did not wake them up. I wonder how many times he has found us asleep.
          Paul said, "It is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."

Friday, October 23, 2015

A Crack in the Foundation

     Often you will hear someone make a statement about the reason that we are in the mess that we are in.  There are legions of reasons why the situation has become desperate.  In our own country, which Winston Churchill once called, "The land of the free and the home of the brave", which has now become the land of the spree and the home of the rave, it would take pages just to list the many reasons we are where we are.
     We hear constantly about the education crisis in our country and the deplorable condition of the number of students that are dropping out of school or finishing without being able to go to college with out remedial work.  I think you can lay many of our problems upon the breakup of the family.  Oh, it sounded good when a certain presidential candidate said years ago, "It takes a village to raise a child."  But, the truth of the matter is, it only takes a loving caring family to raise a child.  A village can't do the job for the family.  Oh, our government wants to do the job; make the decisions; provide the means of survival, etc; but it takes a family to raise a child.  It will be a rare situation that finds a child who will be able to succeed when placed in an environment that from all practical thinking, is doomed to failure.
     One recent statistic showed that 47% of the children are living in a home in which one or both parents are not present.  Many of these children are being raised by elderly grandparents, often living on a fixed income and many of them unable to stand up to the task of raising small children.
     May God help us to see the need of couples entering into marriage be as committed to completing the task and providing all that is necessary that their children will have the opportunity to survive in today's world.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Rose by Any Other Name

     It sounds so wonderful, "a rose by any other name would smell so sweet".  It would be a peculiar type person who would not agree with that statement. However, today I wish to take a different statement that has been around for many years and elaborate upon it.
     The story has been repeated many times as an object lesson.  A man was walking up in the mountains and had reached the level above what is called tree level.  It was extremely cold at this high altitude.  He came across a rattlesnake that was almost dead from the cold.  The rattlesnake asked the man to take him back down where it was warmer.  The man responded that he was afraid of the rattlesnake because he knew they would bite.  The rattlesnake promised not to bite the man.  So the man picked up the snake, placed the snake inside his coat for warmth and started back down the mountain for warmer weather.  Upon reaching the warmer weather, the snake suddenly bit the man.  The man said to the snake, "You promised that you would not bite me."  The snake replied, "You knew what I was when you picked me up."
     I cannot believe that the American people are so blind in their acceptance of the Muslim people as to ignore what they have stood for all of these years; what they do in every country that they control; what the basic concept of their ideology toward others that do not belong to their faith is (convert or die); and yet any criticism of them is categorized as hate.
     Perhaps it is not the American people who are blind.  I think that the problem is the leaders of our country who would destroy our country to try to satisfy a blind "politically correctness."  Most of them do it ignorantly, however there are a few, the president number one, who has never tried to hide his concern and fondness for the Muslim religion.  Remember, he said in effect I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
     Some would like to label thoughts as I have mentioned as being Islamophobia.  Never!  I do not fear the rattlesnake.  I will never be bitten by a rattlesnake that I can see.  It is the one that I cannot see that I fear.  I do not fear the Muslims, but I have no intention of being a party to those who would turn our country into what the country looked like which they left, they did not like enough to stay there.  Now they would change our culture and our laws to be what they left behind.
     A rose by any other name still would smell just as sweet.  And they danger of the Muslim religion overseas is still just as dangerous over here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist

     I have borrowed for the topic today the title of a book by: Norman Geisler, Frank Turek and David Limbaugh: I don't have enough faith to be an atheist.  That thought should prod our attention to a whole new concept of thinking.  We automatically believe that those who are involved in religion of necessity must have faith in that which they believe.  I suggest to you that the atheist also has to have faith in what he believes.  He must have faith that what the Christian is saying is wrong.  There is no way that he can prove that they are wrong.  Christians should never try to prove to others beyond the shadow of doubt that what they believe is true.  You see, a man cannot come into a right relationship with God without faith.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  That being said, I just don't have enough faith to be an atheist.
     Let us think along this line a little farther.  Webster defines religion as being an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or group of gods.  (notice the small g in both cases.)  Webster farther defines religion as being: An interest, a belief or an activity that is very important to a person or group. defines religion as: a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.
     Going along with the wider definition of religion I would say that atheism is a religion.  Oh, you say, they don't believe there is a god.  That is just one of the negative concepts of their religion that they do not believe in God.  All religions have specific things that they do not believe in as well as that which they do believe.  I will leave it up to the atheist to state what things he believes in.
     Now here we find the atheist wanting the government to make a law favoring their religion over other religions when they ask for the ten commandments to be removed, no prayer in public places and the removal of such statements as, "In God we Trust".  Surely, the government will cease trying to appease the Atheist Religion in their conquest to enforce their doctrinal beliefs.