Charles Jones - copyright material

Sunday, October 27, 2013

     There has been a long-standing disagreement between the Armenian and the Hyper-Calvinistic camps as to whether man has a free will to do as he pleases or is bound by predetermined factors established by God.  Somewhere between the views of the two camps is the area in which most people find themselves.  By no stretch of the imagination do I have any designs to change the view of either of the two extreme positions, but rather to give a rambling discussion in areas where most of us can agree.
     The majority of us never realize our full potential.  We neither use all the brain cells that He gives to us, nor utilize the time that is allotted to us.  God wants us to experience the abundant life that he has provided for us.  The statement to the church in Revelation, "Behold, I set before you and open door", can be applied to the individual as well.
     Unfortunately, most of us let circumstances dictate to us the type of life that we are going to have.  We begin to perceive that we are locked into a certain type of lifestyle and never struggle and endeavor to rise above that conception that we have.  To complicate things even farther, we can become a morning person or an evening person.  Whichever we are the rest of the day is obviously not going to yield 100% for us.
     There must be a purpose for living in your life, even beyond the life that you owe to God.  That purpose must be of such magnitude that it will transcend the moments of weakness that you may experience.  Often in the darkness and stillness of the night, I feel like an old man who is desperately trying to pick his final bale of cotton and at the same time pulling two children on the ten foot sack behind him.  But, come morning when God has restored my strength and renewed my will, I become the captain of an exploration ship and me and my trusty crew launch out in search of new worlds to conquer.
     May we each be found doing with all our might what God places before us behind the open door.