Charles Jones - copyright material

Monday, July 25, 2011

The 'Land Of No More"!

     Joe and Bill were two friends who had played golf together for years.  They had often discussed if there might be golf courses in heaven.  They decided which ever one of them died first would get word back to the other one if there were courses in heaven.  In the course of time Joe went on ahead.  Of course for Joe, being in heaven, time meant nothing at all.  Back on earth time continued as always.  Finally, after Joe had been dead for five years he contacted Bill.  Bill said, "Well, Joe, can we play golf in heaven?"  Joe responded, "Bill, I have good news and bad news."  Bill said, "Man tell me the  good news."  Joe said, "There are some of the most beautiful golf courses here you can imagine."  To which Bill questioned, "What could the bad news possibly be?"  Joe answered, "You tee off on hole number 8, Friday at 10:00."
     So it is in ever life there is the good news and the bad news.  The life of man born to woman is "of a few days and full of troubles."  I have never met a man or woman who has spent much time on the road of life who had not had some misfortunes along the way. 
     Life is great, in spite of the annoyances that we experience.  However, most people never enjoy life to the fullest extent that God would have for them to enjoy.  There is not a pain, heartache, or sorrow which we experience that is not a direct result of the original sin we have inherited.  A lot of the modernists shun away from anything related to sin.  To many of them, sin is just an occasional setback as man evolves upward to reach a position like the angels.  Sin, to them, is a hiccup, not a death rattle.
     There is a path for man to follow that leads to the highest demands of his conscience.  That path was declared to the disciples by Jesus when he said, "I am the way...."  I prefer to think of the land at the end of that path to be the "Land of Nomore."  "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:  for the former things are passed away."  Revelation 21:4.
     Here we must blend together:  the pain and health, life and death, and joys and sorrow.  Now we see the great things dimly as thought looking through a darkened glass.  Now we know only in part and live a partly filled life, but not so in the "Land of Nomore."  But, oh, my soul, the joys that await those that travel the path that leads to this land.  If you don't know the way, get a map.  They are available everywhere.  It is called the Bible.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Lord's Day Should be Holy

     The elderly lady was on the phone with the newspaper office and trying to be nice and polite as a Christian should be.  She asked in a very calm, pleasing voice, "Sir, could you give me an explanation as to why my Sunday paper has not been delivered?"  The gentleman on the other end responded, "I suppose the reason is, today is Saturday."  He heard her say, more to her self than to him, "I guess that is why no one was at church this morning?"
     The lady may have been confused on which day of the week it was, but she knew one thing for certain; Sunday is the Lord's day.
     There was not so long ago when most people treated Sunday as being a special, if not a Holy day.  When Sunday came it was time to cease from your labors.  In many a small town, only the pharmacy would be open, and if there were more than one pharmacy in the town, they alternated on being open.
     Many of the commandments that God gave to us to perform had an underlying reason that would behoove us to obey the commandment.  Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy, is such a commandment.  When God had completed his work of creation on the sixth day, he then rested from his labors.  That is a pattern he expects us to follow.
     There have been attempts to try to change the schedule of God, usually resulting in a disaster.  France experimented with a ten-day work week.  That experiment ended in failure for them.  Coal mines that used donkeys to pull the carts of coal to the surface discovered the donkeys performed better when they had the day of rest.
     I often hear people quote scripture for their reason for doing something, though that might be the only scripture they try to follow.  Such is the man who desecrates the Sabbath.  He very well may say, "The ox was in the ditch and I had to get him out."  Obviously that is true, but it ceases to be valid if we first push the ox into the ditch.
     There was a case in federal court, prior to Arkansas becoming a state, in which a man was charged with desecrating the Sabbath.  His offense was--burning a brush pile on Sunday.  Whether we understand all the reasoning behind the ten commandments, we must remember they are not the ten suggestions.  We speak about breaking the ten commandments, we really mean transgress against or violate the commandment.  You can't break the commandments, however, you may break yourself against them.
     Many a person scoff at the words of the Bible, but there is one truth they cannot deny, "It is appointed unto man once to die...."  Would it not be better to "...fear God and keep his commandments for it is the whole duty of man."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Sin of Silence

     My daughter had on a shirt one day with the following printed upon it:  "I know I have the right to remain silent, but I don't have the ability."
     I will never cease to be amazed at the many ways that people have in getting their message across to other people: telephones, twitter, facebook, email, and the list goes on.  Quite a difference than a few years ago it was said, "The three most important methods of getting a message across are: telegraph, telephone, and tell a woman."
     With all the methods we have of communicating with others; the sound of us sharing Christ to a lost and dying world is deafening.  The greatest thing ever shared with me was when someone told me about salvation in Jesus Christ.  The greatest thing each of us can share with others is not the weather report, or the stock market report, but rather Jesus Christ.  Oh, yes, we have not only the right and the ability we also have an obligation.
     The great teacher of the Jews, Nicodemus, came to Jesus one night and inquired of him about what it took to get into the Kingdom of God.  Perhaps Nicodemus did not want to risk his standing in the Jewish community, was the reason he came at night.  Suffice it to be said that apparently he remained a secret, silent follower of Jesus until the day when Joseph of Arimethia came to get him to assist in the burial of Jesus.
     Could it be that we have many such secret disciples of the Lord today.  The reasons as to why so many are silent would be many.  Most of the reasons probably could be grouped together under the general heading of, "What would my friends think or say about me?"  If that be the case, if would be better to think, "What would my savior think of me because of my silence?"
     The Apostle Paul spake in a tremendous forceful voice each and ever opportunity he had to tell of what Jesus had done for him.  He traveled extensively in the large part of his world.  When he was finally put in prison where he could not come and go as he wished, he still conquered the minds of people by writing letters.
     The eternal destiny of a loved one or a friend may very well be hanging on such a small thing as your silence.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Marriage Should Not Be A Joke

     The marriage ceremony should be a very solemn occasion.  In spite of this being so, occasionally humorous things do happen that usually do not take away from the moment but add something that will be remembered years later.  I have a friend in the ministry by the name of Coy.  Many preachers get nervous at weddings and even more so when it is the first one that is being conducted.  This was the case, as it has been told, with my friend Coy.  It was the typical nervous first time service that Coy was conducting.  He had performed flawlessly until he comes to the point to pronounce them man and wife.  The choice of words that came to Coy's mind was not the usual, "I pronounce you man and wife, but, I now pronounce you male and female."  That produced an abundance of laughter among the crowd that day.
     Somehow, things look a little different in this day when traditions are thrown asunder and challenges are constantly being made to a way of life that has existed since the first man took the first woman to be his lawful cherished wife.
     I have difficulty believing that there are people in this world who think you can take something that is well defined and simply change the name and it will be different.  I think we are engaged in a far more complex battle than homosexuals wanting to have equal rights.  Most people I know, could not care less if two men or two women living together had the same tax advantages or any other advantages that are offered to married couples.  They can call it a civil union and I don't care.  It is not marriage, for marriage is between one man and one woman.  It appears that the forces in this country will someday have it where in every state two same sex people can be joined together and call it marriage.  But it will not be marriage.   I can call my old Chevrolet truck a Cadillac, but that does not change a thing.  I suppose I could go to court and have it's named changed to Cadillac as some people change their name.  But guess what, It is still a truck.  When I drive down the streets the average person is going to say there goes a truck.  So it will be with homosexual marriages, everyone, including those engaged know it is not a Cadillac--it is a truck.
    This is an attack at the institution of the family and not just a desire for equal rights for the couple.  Many a problem in America can be pointed to as being a direct result of the break up of the family.  No longer is the family unit intact, as a family unit, to provide the nurture and the admonition for the children to be able to face the trials of a cold, cold world. 
     To my friend, Coy, I would say, "Hang in there, you got it right the first time, keep on pronouncing them "male and female."