Charles Jones - copyright material

Sunday, April 29, 2012

When Friends Come Visiting

     Imagine for just a moment that your closest friend is coming for a visit.  Oh, what a joy filled event it will be.  There will be time for eating, reminiscing about things of yester-year and best of all the camaradie of just being together.

     The first night you laughed and visited until well past bedtime; but bedtime was not nearly as important as the visiting itself.  However, when the morning came you of necessity went off to work and your friend stayed home.  You remark as you leave,  “I love you so much, make yourself at home."  Whatever is mine is yours.”

     Two days later when you returned from work you find that the friend has taken the liberty to use your bathroom and was sitting in your favorite recliner.  When you were asked if that was alright, you answered that it was, but you held a deep feeling of hostility in your heart.

     But the next day when you arrived home your friend was using her ability as an accountant to balance your personal checkbook.  This was the last straw and after giving your friend a terrible tongue-lashing you felt better.  When the morning dawned you discover that your friend has left with no note left behind. 

     Sounds preposterous, you say.  Such a thing happens all the time with the Christian and the Holy Spirit.  Ah, the joy when he first came in, not for a visit, but to stay the course.  You said, “Come on in, my life is your life.”  For a while, everything was rosy.  Oh, what a joyous time you had.  Gradually, you wanted to return to the old way of life and felt his nudging you in the right direction was a bother.  How dare Him to demand your Sundays.  It was the only day you had to play golf, fish or visit the family.  And when he became involved in helping you balance your checkbook toward God; that was too much.

     There was no explosive anger shown to Him, no tongue-lashing this time; just a gradual ignoring of all the things he tried to do for you.  Your love life and devotion to God cooled as a coal from a fireplace placed by itself on the hearth.

     The above fictious friend may never return because of your behavior.  The Holy Spirit never left, nor never shall he.  In order for you to have the joyous times you had before you must allow him a place in all of your life from which you have crowded him.  He waits, he wishes to guide and bless your life.  Won’t you let Him?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Nothing Obama says should surprise Us!!!

     Never before have we had a president who leaves a trail of unanswered questions everywhere he goes.
     I could not care less if he were born in Hawaii or Africa, it makes no difference with me.  I don't care if he has a social security card that is only issued to residents of Connecticut, even if he has never lived there.  I don't care if he and wife both surrendered their law license, nor do I care the reason.  I don't care if everyone running for major office have a swarm of women that come out and say they had sex with them and no one has claimed Obama.
     But, let me tell you what I do care about.  The simplest definition of being a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  He has played around with the religious groups trying to be everything to everybody.  He has bowed down to the Muslims and their day of prayer because he didn't want to offend anyone.  It does not matter if he offends Christians.  Now he is quoted in the news media as saying, that the "triumph" of the Easter story, including Jesus overcoming his doubt and fears before the Crucifixion had helped him get through the tough moments of his presidency.
     It is obvious the man has no knowledge of the same Jesus I know.  It is really simple:  If Jesus is the Son of God there could be no doubts and/or fears.  What was he in doubt about?  From his first miracle he knew exactly what his course in life would be.  God is all-knowing.  I suppose it never occurred to the president that nothing ever just occurred to God.  What was there to fear?  The same power that restored withered arms could have withered the arms of those driving the nails into his hands and feet,  Did he fear death?  He could have called ten-thousand angels for deliverence.  I think he who defeated death by raising several back to life had no fear of death.  It is sad that the perfect life of Jesus has been hid from the president by those who have been around him, beginning as a lad, then through not-so-reverend Wright's church, to his misguided helpers today.  I just hope he gets the message that at what moment he recognizes Jesus as the Son of God and trusts him as his saviour, Jesus will save him.  Quite unlike the other group would do to him.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming!

     Oh what a difference a few days of time can make.  During the days surrounding the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus there was a drastic about face for those involved.
     To begin with, just for future clarification, I do not believe that Jesus was crucified on Friday.  I think it was on Wednesday with a possibility it could have been Thursday.  The scripture says. "As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall be Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."  By using parts of three days and three nights it could have been as late in the week as Thursday, but there is no way that Scripture can be fulfilled by a Friday crucifixion.  That being said, I will use Friday for the day in this writing.
     The night before and early morning of Friday the Jewish leaders were obviously elated for that which they had desired, the death of Jesus, was reaching fruition.  It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming.
     During the course of the so-called trial, Jesus was crowned with thorns, beard plucked out, face beaten and spat upon, back pulverized by the whip.  He was ridiculed, scorned and made a laughing stock.  It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming.
      As they led him out to Golgotha, the place of the skull, it was a strange procession.  Men who were walking on new legs because Jesus had healed them were there.  Those that had been blind but now can see were there.  The women were there weeping as they walked along.  And along the way he stumbled under the weight of the cross.  I suggest to you it was my sins and your sins that was the heavier of the weights he carried.
     And when they came to Calvary, there, they crucified him.  With nails in his hands and feet he was lifted upon the cross to die under the most cruel form of punishment ever devised.  The crowd taunted him with such things as: He saved others let him save himself;  If you be the son of God come down from the cross;  O Miracle Worker, work another miracle now.  It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming!
     With a final statement, Jesus said, "It is finished!"
     God's lily had been beaten to earth by the hailstones of hell.  Joy was widespread among the enemies of right.  Satan and his imps must have done some great rejoicing, God's son was dead.  It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming!
     His body was taken down and hastily buried in Joseph of Arimathaea's tomb.  He was finally alone for the first time in years.  It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming!
     The world is filled with people today who are relishing living on Friday, not knowing that Sunday is coming.
     Christians unable to make a total commitment on Friday, but Sunday is coming.
     However, there is an opposite side to the concept.  There are multitudes today who are sick, hurting, and despondent, with no hope of it getting better.  It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming!  We all, ever so quickly, began to feel the ravages and effects of the aging process.  Do not be discouraged my brother or sister, It's Friday now, but Sunday is coming!! Lift up your heads for redemption draweth nigh!