Charles Jones - copyright material

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Democracy Was Never Intended to be a Utopia

     We live in the greatest country on earth and under the best political situation available to mankind--a democracy.  Granted, we have flaws and we have problems with our situation that is caused by human error.  Much of our problems can be traced to the fact that men who wanted to be public servants developed our system, but it is now controlled by men who seem to be intent upon advancing their own public agenda and feathering their own nest.
     If we lived in a Utopia, each of us would always get and have the things they wanted.  That is not the way that our government is structured.  It is a given fact that many in our country think that the government is supposed to work, at least for them, as a Utopia and provide the things for them that they both want and need.
     Lest my remarks be misunderstood, let me quickly say that there are many times in my own life when decisions are voted upon by our citizens that are contrary to what I would like to see.  It seems as if there are more and more decisions being made that are in direct opposition to the Christian principles that I believe.  There are many today that would like for it to be that the minority always wins and the majority always looses.  That cannot be.
     Thus far in our country's history, for the most part, the majority has usually made provisions for the wishes and desires of the minority.  Hopefully, it will always be so.
     There once was a time when things were either right or wrong within itself.  Gradually, we have lead people to believe that nothing is absolutely wrong or absolutely right, but somewhere in between reality lies.  Since nothing is totally wrong or right, if it feels good do it.
     From my front porch it seems as if most things work pretty good as long as the local citizens handle their own projects.  Once the government becomes involved, either state or federal, and the local citizens have no voice in the matter things go down hill.
     Remember as Thomas Jefferson once said, "A government that is big enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.

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