Charles Jones - copyright material

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One Size Won't Fit All

     Education within the United States in times past was even more than adequate.  But that was in the day when the local citizens had total and complete control over their school.   They decided what was to bee taught, when it was to be taught and by whom it was to be taught.  The small school was the norm.  Many a person was taught in a one-room school house.  Pre-civil war days you would find that these schools were private schools.  Gradually, the schools were merged together into community schools with tax money coming back to the school, but the local school board maintained control.
     The first enemy of the local school was the entity that should have been their greatest supporter, the state department of education.  Moves were made to have larger and larger schools even though at the time it was being promoted everyone knew that the larger schools were where most of the problems were.
     But, the great enemy of the local school entered the picture--The Federal Government.  Everyone should know that the most of the things they touch; they mess up.  It was such a noble thought to have--No Child Left Behind!  That sounds much better than--No Child Going Ahead, but the end result is so similar.  Everyone knows that there are differences that cannot be ignored.  All children do not have the same potential, the same personalities, the same drives.  There will always in the real world be a gap between the haves and the have-nots.
     Since that was a dismal failure, let us change the name to Common Core and change our approach.  But do not be deceived, it is an attempt to do the same thing in a different package.  In order to better promote the concept let us use statistics to make our case.  IN ALL TESTING THE UNITED STATES COMES IN LOW WHEN COMPARED WITH THE REST OF THE COUNTRIES IN EDUCATION.  That statement is grossly misleading at the very least and is a blatant lie at the worse.  Statistics can prove anything.  I heard of a man who drowned in a river where the water averaged only six inches deep .  Too bad he stepped into a six foot hole.
     Do you think for a moment the other countries are figuring the scores of the special education students, the handicapped, the hungry, the homeless, or the unconcerned in their averages.  No, I think not, and when you remove those from our stats you will find America at the top.
     There are problems in education, but they cannot be solved from the state capitol or Washington, D.C.  Get the government out of education and put it in the hands of the people who educated the generation that put men on the moon and brought them safely back--the local school board.

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