Monday is Labor Day. Perhaps it is one of the holidays that should be eliminated from our calendar. Gone are the days that God mentioned when he said, "six days shall thou labor." Gone are the concepts of Paul, in the New Testament, and John Smith in Jamestown, when they both said, "he that does not work, shall not eat." Gone, in many instances, are the days when man took pride in his work. I remember one of my grandfathers who had farmed until he was unable to physically farm, crying when he had to accept commodities. Many are crying today if they cannot get the replacement for commodities, food stamps.
There once was what was considered as--a dignity to work. Now it is looked upon by so many as being beneath their dignity to accept certain types of work. I might quickly add, it will stay beneath their dignity as long as the government keeps handing out checks for doing nothing. It seems like the government looks upon the concept of giving out checks as a way to get the population to do what the government wants them to do. We will control what is grown on the farm by paying the farmer not to plant cotton or not to plant peanuts. It is past time for the government to stop giving out money. If nothing else, those who are able to work put them to doing something even if it is picking up trash on the side of streets. Oh, I forgot that would be beneath their dignity.
Most of you remember when there was an element of pride for something to be labeled, "Made in the USA." Also unless it was a camera, it was a joke if it was labeled, "Made in Japan". Now our current president seemingly delights in farther destroying the concept of the dignity of labor. Maybe we should just rename the holiday make it become, "Handout Day." Only problem with that is pretty soon there will be nothing left to hand out.
One more time...You hit the nail on the head.