The drunk had somehow found his way home as he had done so many times before. However, this time his head hurt terribly, and he was sick of his stomach. Upon seeing that his wife was still awake he began to implore her to pray for him. The wife began by saying, "Oh, God, have mercy on my poor drunken husband." At this point, he interrupted her by saying in a whisper, "Don't tell Him that I am drunk!"
It is obvious that his conception of God was completely off base. However, far too many Christians have a conception of God that is almost as bad as the drunk. What type of being do you perceive God to be? Rest assured, God is not all things to all people. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Man cannot manipulate Him into being something that he is not nor count on God to take their side.
Someone asked Abraham Lincoln which side he thought God was on during the Civil War. His response, "My concern is which side is on God's side."
Far to many want a god of convenience; one who would be around in times of need or when things are not going very well. Then when all is well they really have no need for God, yet they hope he will hang around until needed. Rest assureds God is not a part-time god nor will you will find him moon-lighting as a service for individuals.
The values of most are ever changing in accordance to the whims of society. God's values are absolute; things are right or wrong, black or white, and never a mixture of the two. It should be no shock to anyone to discover that God did not give us ten suggestions but rather Ten Commandments. We often speak of breaking the Ten Commandments as if by disobeying the commandment somehow broke it or rendered it no longer effective. One can not "break" the commandments; however, he may break himself against them in trying.
God is much like the manna he sent to the Children of Israel. He is always there as promised. They could not store up manna for a future use; it would ruin. There would be no manna on the Sabbath day, and I am sure that first Sabbath day some came out to gather it and went home hungry. God will be there for you as he has promised. Search the scriptures and claim His promises that he makes to you. You will find He will be the same for you when things are tough as He is when all is well with you. You can count on Him.
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