A young man approached God with a couple of questions. He said, "God is it true that a penny is the same to you as a million dollars?" God answered, "Yes." Then he asked God, "Is it also true that a minute is the same with you as a million years?" Again God said, "Yes." Then the young man asked, "Would you please give me a million dollars?" God said, "In a minute!"
The young man would have waited longer than the minute, but not a million years. Most of us spend our time waiting on tomorrow. I have decided that the greatest enemy that man faces is the hope of tomorrow. Proverbs 27:1 Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Tome Burguillos said: Dreaming of a tomorrow, which tomorrow will be as distant then as 'tis today.
But tomorrow is not the time to make decisions for God. Elijah challenged the people on Mt. Carmel to choose you this day who you will serve. Tomorrow is not the time to witness to others about Christ. Jesus cautioned his disciples to not say 4 months and then comes the harvest but look upon the fields that are white already unto harvest.
Tomorrow is only found on the fool's calender. Tomorrow the smoker will quite. Tomorrow the alcoholic will give up his drink. Tomorrow the dope addict will reform.
But what happens when there is really no tomorrow. For each of us that will be so. There are folks who will be killed in wrecks, have heart attacks, or have strokes--for them there is no tomorrow. The rich man tore down his barns and built bigger barns, yet they were filled to overflowing. He said, "Soul take it easy, you have enough goods laid up for many years." But God came and said, "Thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee, then whose shall these things."
Shelly wrote"
"Where art thou, beloved Tomorrow?
When young or old, and strong and weak,
Rich and poor, through joy and sorrow,
Thy sweet smiles we ever seek--
In the place--ah! Well-a-day!
We find the thing we fled--Today."
What if there was a bank that every day deposited into your account $86,400 carried no balance forward and made the money available for you. You could not take out any cash and the balance was deleted at the end of the day to start over again tomorrow. What would you do--stay busy writing checks every day.
There is such a bank. It deposits 86,400 seconds into your account for you to use wisely and enjoy life. Each night the seconds that you have misused or did not use productively are deleted from your account, the record is destroyed. You lose what you do not use. There is no tomorrow.
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