Charles Jones - copyright material

Monday, June 20, 2011

Christians are committed, but to what?

     The annual community Fourth of July picnic was coming up and the hen and the hog were discussing what they might contribute to the festival.  The hen said, "Mr. Hog, I think it would be well if we contributed ham and eggs to the festival this year."
     The hog responded to the hen, "Mrs. Hen, for you that would be a contribution, but for me it would be a commitment!"
     It seems as if far too often we find that more church members are content to just be a contributor instead of being committed to the cause of Christ.  That is difficult to understand when most church members who have had a definite experience with Christ will readily admit that the personal experience with Christ was the greatest thing that ever happened to them.
     So often we find that church members are committed to the house payment, the car payment, former loans that have to be paid--committed,  committed, committed.  We are committed to things of lesser importance than what should be our commitment to Christ.  After all, we contribute our time to the church on Sunday morning, some even contribute Sunday night and Wednesday night also.  We contribute our offerings to the church, even though many actually fail to contribute anything since the first ten percent already belongs to Him. 
     Perhaps the one thing that puts everything else in it's proper perspective is the failure of the average Christian to make a commitment to win others to Christ.  If the statement is true, the greatest thing that every happened to me was when I came to know Jesus as my personal saviour then, the greatest thing I can do for someone else is to introduce them to Jesus Christ as their saviour.
     A children's poem went something like this, "What can I give him, as poor as I am?  If I were a shepherd I would give Him a lamb;  If I were a wise man, I would do my part,  What can I give him?  I give him my heart."
     What will you give?  Ham or eggs?


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