Several years ago I was driving along U.S. Highway 67 through Arkansas. I noticed an out of state car in front of me which was loaded down with luggage. I followed this car for some distance then exited on one of the small rural roads. The car that was behind me also exited and began driving down this small rural road. The car behind me also had several bags of luggage attached to the top of the car. I surmised that they must be close to the end of their journey because of the smallness of the road. It dawned on me that there was a possibility that the car had been following the out of state car that was in front of me. They were not paying close attention, since they were following, and just exited when I did. You should have seen the look on the driver's face when I pulled to the side of the road and stopped. He also stopped. Sure enough he had been following the other car. I directed him back to the place and the direction he should go in order to catch up with his fellow traveler.
Something like that happens all the time in the real world. We have those that are leaders and those that are followers. If you are a leader, be careful where you lead. If you are a follower be careful who you follow.
Jesus boldly stated, "My sheep hear my voice, and follow me, and a stranger they will not follow."
Far too frequently Christians follow trends, fads and customs that lead them away from the direction that Jesus would like for them to go. It is so vital that we study the Word of God in order to know they ways of God and the will of God.
Each Christian should be aware of the fact that there is someone who is watching your life and using your life and decisions as pattern for their own lifestyle. Years ago my youngest daughter rode home with a couple of the church members. When the car stopped at the member's house, my youngest daughter pre-school age, exited the car with her sweater draped over her shoulder and said, "This is how Ms. Barbara wears her sweater." The church member exclaimed, "I never new that anyone was watching me and noticing, even to how I wear my clothes."
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of the leaders would be like the Apostle Paul. His concept of leadership would be, "You can follow me as I follow the Lord." Such a contrast to the modern day leader who would lead by saying, "Don't do like I do, do like I say do."
You have a choice, lead or follow, but get out of the way!
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