Charles Jones - copyright material

Friday, June 24, 2016

That Is Who We Are

President Obama tries to view the world through rose colored glasses and does not see things as they really are he remarks, “That’s not who we are.”

     There are times I try to give the man the benefit of the doubt and say that he just does not understand.  However, there are times when I think he knows exactly how things are and his goal from day one of taking office was to weaken America among the nations of the world.

     Our very existence was driven by the necessity of trying to survive.  For two hundred years we grew and expanded because of who we were.  The strongest survived, the weak did not.  We refused to bow down to the tyranny of the laws of Great Britain.  Thus, a little rag-tag band of men took up arms and defeated one of the more mighty nations on earth at that time.

     We formulated our laws based upon the Judeo-Christian concept and it stood the time and tests of two world wars, the civil war and numerous “police actions”.  He does not get the concept of our citizens owning guns.  The Japanese understood that point perfectly and did not try to attack our mainland.  Yes, Mr. President, we are a people of guns; have been and always will be.  And never forget there are still many who are a people of the bible as well.

     There are numerous things that he would learn if he would read upon American History and how the great presidents reacted.  Thank God, he was not there when the Muslim pirates demanded tribute money.  Thomas Jefferson knew exactly what to do.  President Obama would have bowed down and kissed their shoes.  Most of our presidents recognized danger to our country and reacted bravely.  Carter banned those from Iran to enter the country and even sent some home that were already here.  Obama and Hillary want to open the doors and let all come in who desire.

     We also are a people who believe in--live and let live.  At every turn he has tried to push religious freedom for and upon the Muslims.  Does he not get it; they do not want religious freedom.  They do not practice religious freedom nor will they allow others to have religious freedom.  And yet throughout this land people are being forced to grant to them freedoms that even others do not have. Until the Muslims arrived I never heard of someone demanding of an employer to give them time and a place to pray.

     Until lately our country has been one of open arms, come and join us, come and help us.  And they came from every country of the world and literally became and American.  But today, they want to come and bring their flag, bring their language, expect us to accept their cultural traditions.  Can you imagine a woman wanting to have her picture on the driving license with their face covered?  I suppose she thought that Americans were really that stupid, did we not elect Obama twice.

     I hope it was only America wanting to do what was politically correct when we elected him as president.  After all, there is nothing wrong in an African-American being president.  There were just too many red flags about this man.  Apparently is grand-father and father were Muslim, he received much of education in a Muslim school, he attended a “Christian Church” in which the pastor openly said, “God Dam, America.”  I have no way of knowing where he was born, perhaps in Hawaii, but many red flags go up about his birth certificate.  The one I think is so damaging is that his race is listed as African-American.  I have lived through the times when each and every birth and death certificate listed the black race as either, Negro, colored, or black.  The term African-American showed up around the eighties.

     He has done a lot of damage in America, but thank God, his days are limited.  The greatest fear we have today is that Hillary will continue his agenda and also add him to the Supreme Court.  God have mercy upon us.



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