Often you will hear someone make a statement about the reason that we are in the mess that we are in. There are legions of reasons why the situation has become desperate. In our own country, which Winston Churchill once called, "The land of the free and the home of the brave", which has now become the land of the spree and the home of the rave, it would take pages just to list the many reasons we are where we are.
We hear constantly about the education crisis in our country and the deplorable condition of the number of students that are dropping out of school or finishing without being able to go to college with out remedial work. I think you can lay many of our problems upon the breakup of the family. Oh, it sounded good when a certain presidential candidate said years ago, "It takes a village to raise a child." But, the truth of the matter is, it only takes a loving caring family to raise a child. A village can't do the job for the family. Oh, our government wants to do the job; make the decisions; provide the means of survival, etc; but it takes a family to raise a child. It will be a rare situation that finds a child who will be able to succeed when placed in an environment that from all practical thinking, is doomed to failure.
One recent statistic showed that 47% of the children are living in a home in which one or both parents are not present. Many of these children are being raised by elderly grandparents, often living on a fixed income and many of them unable to stand up to the task of raising small children.
May God help us to see the need of couples entering into marriage be as committed to completing the task and providing all that is necessary that their children will have the opportunity to survive in today's world.
Good imputed on the failing family structure.