The town reprobate passed away as all mortal men do. His life had been one that did not leave a person much good to say at his passing. His wealthy brother, from down in Texas, came for the funeral. He approached the preacher who was to conduct the funeral services and said, "Preacher, I will give you $5000 to say, somewhere in the service, that my brother was a saint." The preacher did not see how he could possibly say something untrue, but his family could certainly use the $5000. So in the middle of the service the preacher said, "All of you know that the deceased was as bad a neighbor as any of us have ever had, he was an alcoholic, he beat his wife, he stole, and I could go on for several minutes, but compared to his brother sitting here, 'that man was a saint.'"
Our country is involved in an ongoing discussion that some call "Islamophobia." The term phobia is so often used for anyone who is opposed to a concept that the person using the word phobia believes in. I will not waste my time discussing the term phobia or fear, for I fear nothing except God. However, I think the concept needs to be examined.
During the 1960's Anton LeVay formed a group called the Order of the Trapezoid, which became the governing body of what was to become known as the Church of Satan. They even had their own bible. Their beliefs were almost totally opposite of the views of the church. The word Lust would have been more at home than the word Love. However, they did not advocate the killing of anyone that disagreed with them. From that standpoint I would say, "Compared to the Muslims, those folks were saints."
Oh, I know the response, "That is only a FEW radicals." The term few does not quite compute with the reactions that is portrayed on the TV screens around the world. But, let us not quibble over a few numbers; let us look for a solution.
Down through the centuries when Christians failed to agree upon something they always took a stand and opposed what they perceived as wrong. The preponderance of Christian denominations that are in existence today, opposed the Roman Catholic Church, and split from it during the Protestant Reformation. Then such issues as the method of baptism, church polices, etc, all brought about a breakaway from the established group. Someone said that in the mountains of Kentucky a Baptist group split into the five gallon Baptists and the ten gallon Baptists over how much alcohol to have at the annual meeting.
It is a few hundred years late, but in order to be accepted in a civilized world, it is high time for any honest Muslim to make a clean brake from the radicals that are murdering, robbing, stealing and burning the world down. Of all of the millions of Muslims, tell me again that there are only a few bad ones when the masses refuse to denounce, brake away from and actually oppose those that would destroy everything that does not agree with them. If it is only a few, then it appears that the tail is wagging the dog.
In closing, Christians have nothing to fear from Muslims, but freedom loving people may eventually have a lot to fear.
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