Charles Jones - copyright material

Friday, April 6, 2012

Nothing Obama says should surprise Us!!!

     Never before have we had a president who leaves a trail of unanswered questions everywhere he goes.
     I could not care less if he were born in Hawaii or Africa, it makes no difference with me.  I don't care if he has a social security card that is only issued to residents of Connecticut, even if he has never lived there.  I don't care if he and wife both surrendered their law license, nor do I care the reason.  I don't care if everyone running for major office have a swarm of women that come out and say they had sex with them and no one has claimed Obama.
     But, let me tell you what I do care about.  The simplest definition of being a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  He has played around with the religious groups trying to be everything to everybody.  He has bowed down to the Muslims and their day of prayer because he didn't want to offend anyone.  It does not matter if he offends Christians.  Now he is quoted in the news media as saying, that the "triumph" of the Easter story, including Jesus overcoming his doubt and fears before the Crucifixion had helped him get through the tough moments of his presidency.
     It is obvious the man has no knowledge of the same Jesus I know.  It is really simple:  If Jesus is the Son of God there could be no doubts and/or fears.  What was he in doubt about?  From his first miracle he knew exactly what his course in life would be.  God is all-knowing.  I suppose it never occurred to the president that nothing ever just occurred to God.  What was there to fear?  The same power that restored withered arms could have withered the arms of those driving the nails into his hands and feet,  Did he fear death?  He could have called ten-thousand angels for deliverence.  I think he who defeated death by raising several back to life had no fear of death.  It is sad that the perfect life of Jesus has been hid from the president by those who have been around him, beginning as a lad, then through not-so-reverend Wright's church, to his misguided helpers today.  I just hope he gets the message that at what moment he recognizes Jesus as the Son of God and trusts him as his saviour, Jesus will save him.  Quite unlike the other group would do to him.

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