Sometimes I understand a little better the old adage, "A little learning is a dangerous thing." A person must understand the entire spectrum of life instead of isolated instances that we would use to prove our point. When a person gets the complete picture of the United States from it's foundation, as a "nation under God" based upon the precepts of the Bible, God's Holy Word to where we are today, you can easily see how far we have strayed. This is reflected throughout the political spectrum today. More than once you have heard some say, "They need to compromise." It makes no difference which side might be making that statement, for it has been said often.
There are some things that simply can not be compromised. You see, there are some absolute truths and when any mixture of untruth is inserted the entire precept is not compromised, it is surrendered to a falsehood. Perhaps we are where we are because of the "leavening". Remember, "A little leaven, leavens the whole lump." One of the political "hot potatoes" we deal with is the existence of Israel. There is no room to compromise on the question of Israel. The Iranians and the Palestians say they do not have the right to exist and nothing short of their annihilation will satisfy. Where is there room to compromise on this issue?
We are dealing with so many tantalizing problems in our nation; problems that have no easy solution, but have a right solution. The illegal immigrant problem, which is contributing to the destruction of our economy, is one of those situations,which many would avoid by wanting to bring up the need for immigration. The problem is not immigration; the problem is ILLEGAL. The illegal part is what must be fixed. Oh, I know, I know, there are heart wrenching stories of, what about this or what about that. No, those situations are an outgrowth of the ILLEGAL problem. Fix the problem!!
Paul said in the Bible, that he who did not work could not eat. And for those who refuse to acknowledge the the Word of God in their life, for now, don't forget John Smith also issued the same edict. However, we have grown an unacceptable number of people, who do not want to work and "expect" others to take care of them. It is sad, when you remember, there once was a time if tragedy struck the family and community banded together to help with the problem. I can recall many an instance where the last days of a person's life was spent at home, being cared for by his/her family. Not so today, millions make no provision for anything out of the ordinary happening. The dying process is not out of the ordinary. But for those type of situations let the government handle it. To not help seems cruel to most folks. It is no different than trying to save a drowning man. If you are the one in charge of the rescue, in order to keep from drowning yourself, you may have to render him unconscious. The numbers that we are trying to feed and provide for today has reached the point that "the drowning man is going to pull the rescuer under."
I think the political crowd is always on the side of the numbers, not on the side of right or wrong. It is not the government's place to act as an intercessor when things go wrong in our life. Let a hurricane come through and wipe out 5000 homes and the government steps in to put things back together again. Let a tornado come through and wipe out your home and you will be told there is nothing that the government can do. You should have had insurance!! Yet your loss is just as great in a single home destruction as if it had been in the middle of the 5000.
I still believe there is an American Dream: a place where you can work your fingers to the bone and get ahead in life. There are far to many whose "American Dream" is, if sit here long enough and raise enough noise someone will provide for me, not only my needs, but give me all of the desires of my heart.
Any student of ancient history will tell you that the fall of Rome was greatly contributed to by the masses that depended upon hand-outs with nothing given back to the government in turn.
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