Charles Jones - copyright material

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Sin of Silence

     My daughter had on a shirt one day with the following printed upon it:  "I know I have the right to remain silent, but I don't have the ability."
     I will never cease to be amazed at the many ways that people have in getting their message across to other people: telephones, twitter, facebook, email, and the list goes on.  Quite a difference than a few years ago it was said, "The three most important methods of getting a message across are: telegraph, telephone, and tell a woman."
     With all the methods we have of communicating with others; the sound of us sharing Christ to a lost and dying world is deafening.  The greatest thing ever shared with me was when someone told me about salvation in Jesus Christ.  The greatest thing each of us can share with others is not the weather report, or the stock market report, but rather Jesus Christ.  Oh, yes, we have not only the right and the ability we also have an obligation.
     The great teacher of the Jews, Nicodemus, came to Jesus one night and inquired of him about what it took to get into the Kingdom of God.  Perhaps Nicodemus did not want to risk his standing in the Jewish community, was the reason he came at night.  Suffice it to be said that apparently he remained a secret, silent follower of Jesus until the day when Joseph of Arimethia came to get him to assist in the burial of Jesus.
     Could it be that we have many such secret disciples of the Lord today.  The reasons as to why so many are silent would be many.  Most of the reasons probably could be grouped together under the general heading of, "What would my friends think or say about me?"  If that be the case, if would be better to think, "What would my savior think of me because of my silence?"
     The Apostle Paul spake in a tremendous forceful voice each and ever opportunity he had to tell of what Jesus had done for him.  He traveled extensively in the large part of his world.  When he was finally put in prison where he could not come and go as he wished, he still conquered the minds of people by writing letters.
     The eternal destiny of a loved one or a friend may very well be hanging on such a small thing as your silence.

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