When you begin to consider the history of our great country and the place that the Judeo-Christian ideas and beliefs have played in making us great, you begin to see why our country is where it is today. The state constitutions off all thirteen of the original states demanded that a person be a believer in God in order to hold public office. Not so today!
During the 1830's, prior to Arkansas becoming a state, a man was brought into Federal court for the crime of desecrating the Sabbath. That which he had done was to burn a brush pile on Sunday. The end result of the trial was an acquittal because of relatives being on the jury. But to think that the courts considered Sunday to be the Lord's day and was Holy is far removed from the concept today. If the government does not consider it a Holy day, I want my mail delivered on Sunday. If Christmas and Easter are not Holy days, I demand that all government employees work on those days, congress included.
Many are alive today who remember the 'blue laws" which prevented many stores and/or certain articles from being sold on Sunday. Now Sunday's have become one of the more commercialized days for stores.
When I was a young person it was a rare occasion to hear a gun being fired on Sunday. When a person heard a gunshot they wondered who it was that would be hunting on a Sunday. Quite a change today when the Game and Fish Commissions will even set seasons to begin on Sunday as to attract more hunters.
Need I even mention the greatest change of all. If you had told me when I graduated from high school in 1955 that I would live to see the day when folks would scream, "Save the owl, but kill the babies," I would have told you that you were foolish.
Never forget, the bible proclaims, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Somehow we have failed to learn from history.