The atheist said to the young boy, "Son, I'll give you an apple if you will tell me where God is." To which the boy said, "Sir, I will give you a bushel of apples if you will tell me where God is not."
Oh, the wisdom of a child! Did not Christ say unless you become as a little child you will in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God? Paul said thjat God has used the simple things to confound the wise.
Does it not seem strange to you that the greatest minds today have put forth their theories and their conjectures as to how this world came into existence and continue to look for the missing force? They call it the Higgs particle, and some have even labeled it as "the God particle". Word spread rapidly that they had found it or, at least, a particle that they had not previously been able to detect.
They have been looking for God in all the wrong places. You will never be able to see him in a microscope nor with one of the great telescopes that scan the far reaches of the universe. Those type of instruments are not needed, since he is not very far from every one of us. You see, I discovered the "Force" they are looking for over sixty years ago. You can never know him by your intellectual pursuits; you find him only by faith. Faith gives you the ability to see the invisible and to know the unknowable.
Without faith man continues to grope about becoming wiser with each passing day, but farther and farther from finding their most sought after goal--the force that started it all. Try Genesis 1: "In the beginning God...."